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Watercolor painting for Safe Haven for Cats: “Waiting”

 “Waiting”. 8×10. Watercolor. Available for purchase via Safe Haven for Cats live auction. This is the painting I just did for the auction. I used my friend Courtney Banko’s beautiful image as a reference. Earlier I had done two more paintings from her images. Those were for the SPCA auction on Oct 4. I like…

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My new watercolor painting: Suddenly…

This is my latest watercolor painting: “Suddenly…”. I have this beautiful plant hanging above the breakfast table. Sometimes the dry leaves fall on the table. I saw this little pile of picked wilted and dry leaves and it got me thinking about how events sometimes unfold. There is a little sadness in the painting but…

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Exhibition of my Plein Air watercolors at Wake Forest Coffee Company

            “State Capitol, Raleigh” (12×16, Watercolor)  is one of my Plein Air watercolors on display at the Wake Forest Coffee Company (www.wakeforestcoffee.com)  I completed this painting just few days ago. I started the painting kind of late, after circling the downtown few times, looking for a good spot to paint….