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Plein Air Watercolor Paintings and Sketches – Raleigh NC Fine Artist

I am catching up on posting my finished paintings of 2011! Here are my plein air watercolor paintings and sketches. I am enjoying painting on locations. Helps me when I have live wedding painting commissions! Originals and prints are available. Enjoy… – Tesh Parekh www.TeshParekh.com www.RaleighWeddingPainter.com Be my fan: http://www.facebook.com/WeddingPainter email: tesh@teshfineartphoto.com 919-622-5399

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Live Event Painting for ISES/ NACE/ TBA Holiday Party at Crabtree Marriott- by Raleigh NC Live Wedding and Event Painter

 Leon Jordan’s Continentals Orchestra, Live Event Painting, 12″x16″, Watercolor on Arches 140 lb CP paper. This was my second year doing live painting for ISES, NACE amd TBA annual holiday party. The party was for Toys for Tots benefit. As always, I enjoyed meeting my fellow professionals. The party was held at Crabtree Marriott Hotel . My…

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Departed- a watercolor painting by Raleigh NC artist

Departed. 15×22. Watercolor on Fabriano 300 lb HP paper. Some painting ideas are like a splinter under your skin! This one came to me when my wife was in a hospital several years ago. From the hospital room window, I could see a helicopter sitting on top of a building. originally, I wanted to somehow…

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The Raleigh Big Garden Party- a live event painting by Tesh Parekh

The Raleigh Big Garden Party. 13×19. Watercolor on Saunder’s Waterford 140 lb rough paper. Last year I had done a plein air watercolor painting of Raleigh Rose Garden (see one of my earlier posts). When I heard that Tobi Gowen was looking for artists to paint live at the Raleigh Big Garden party, I was excited! The Raleigh big…

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Memorial Day 2010- An original oil painting by Tesh Parekh

Memorial Day 2010. 16×20. Oil on linen. I did this painting for Jerry’s Artarama’s Lukas paint competition. I had done one painting earlier for this competition “The Cloud”. It is currently on the display for sale at Cary Gallery of Artists. I love the way evening light falls through front door of our home. My son Ian…