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Fall Plein Air paintings

These are some of my new fall plein air paintings, executed in different media: watercolor, gouache, and oil. “Plein Air” means painted outdoors. I like to paint just about anywhere. Someday I will be able to travel and paint. But, now I am enjoying painting locally. I often paint at Durant nature park in my…

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Wedding Painting- Wendy & Steven

Wendy & Steven. Watercolor. 11×14. This is a wedding painting of Wendy & Steven. I love doing wedding & event paintings. I paint on location as well as in studio. Location paintings are done from life, without the aid of any reference material. I usually arrive an hour before ceremony. I find the best location…

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Plein Air painting with Paint NC group

Prairie Ridge trail. Watercolor (Plein Air). 12×16. Available. I was recently invited by my fellow artist Jean Scholz to join triangle Plein Air group- Paint North Carolina. If you are interested in Plein Air painting, I highly recommend that you join this group or paint with them. Please visit http://www.paintnc.org/ for more information. If you…

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Wedding painting at Haywood Hall

Lindsey and Jon. Live wedding painting. Watercolor. 12×16. I did this painting on Saturday at the Haywood Hall. This was an outdoor wedding so weather was a factor: rain was in forecast! It did look as if it was going to rain. And wind blew hard every now and then. But, when you paint outdoors,…