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Watercolor painting “On the Edge” by Raleigh NC Fine Artist

Watercolor painting of Durant nature park. I was there painting yesterday and finished a 22×30 plein air watercolor. This painting was done in the studio. I saw this deer one day. Limping along the edge of woods. I love this park. Very quiet. I see new things to paint whenever I visit (it is not…

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Drybrush Watercolor painting “The Angry Bird” of Mumbai

Lately I have been enjoying creating drybrush watercolor paintings. I find this technique suitable for some of my subjects. Like this house crow of Mumbai. You find crows everywhere in India. When I was a kid, crows seemed big and menacing. Welcome on certain occasions when we offered food to our ancestors. We would throw food on…

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Wedding Painting at the Cypress Manor in Cary NC

I painted this for  Apara Pochiraju of  LadyBird Events as a part of her Styled Shoot. The event took place at the Cypress Manor in Cary NC. The theme was South Asian wedding. Each year I photograph several Indian weddings and so I  know the excitement of being part of those!  I start and finish my live paintings at…

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A plein air watercolor by Raleigh NC artist – “Fallen”

Fall. Trees. Fallen leaves. Fallen tree. One of those will be enough for me to make a painting! This painting has all! I started this watercolor on location at the Durant Nature Park. I used hot-pressed watercolor paper. I love the smoothness of this paper as I can draw details. And I love to draw!…